A Travellerspoint blog

Wild about wildlife

The Flinders Ranges has lots to see (and even eat)

semi-overcast 20 °C

Rain in the Flinders Ranges

Rain in the Flinders Ranges

We saw a lot of wildlife on Kangaroo Island, as you might expect on an island named after a marsupial. Unfortunately much of it had been hit by cars and was dead by the side of the road. That's one reason we decided not to drive at night there. The Flinders Ranges seems to have lots of live wildlife and, like Kangaroo Island, some amazing places to see it in.

The wildlife we've observed so far (and the kids have been counting some of it) include:
- 15 koalas at Cape Otway
- probably hundreds of seals at Seal Bay, Kangaroo Island
- 108 kangaroos in Flinders Ranges National Park
- 9 emus near Hills Homestead, Wilpena Pound
- 1 friendly wallaby who came to visit us at Vivonne Bay expecting to be fed
- some ferals - a feral goat at Wilpena Pound, feral rabbit at Victor Harbour and a feral cat somewhere
- assorted lizards, unidentified green parrots by the road, and birds of prey hovering in the sky
- plus masses of insects squished on the front of our car (in the US, there's a book on how to identify them)

Hopefully we'll get to the Prairie Hotel at Parachilna to sample some of their feral food. They're famous for it. Seals are not on the menu, thank goodness.

Seals at Seal Bay, Kangaroo Island

Seals at Seal Bay, Kangaroo Island

Posted by kecasumi 21:30 Archived in Australia Tagged animals wildlife

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