A Travellerspoint blog

Mini Mount Isa

Talking to 5-year-olds about our trip

After morning parade, the 28 preps (kindies) in Gillian's class sat down and we were ushered into their classroom. They plied us with thoughtful questions about our trip. What was our favourite town? How did we travel? Did we have a hot air balloon?

Susannah and Michael and I did our best to answer them and to give a sense of how big Australia is. We showed a big map and the places we'd been, then the forms of transport (camel, ferry, light plane etc) we'd taken and animals (seals, emus etc) we'd encountered along the way. They were a delightful bunch, just as Gillian said. They gave us a big "Yee-ha!" to send us on our way.

We'd previously given a talk in Darwin to Year 5/6 when we visited our friend Paul's class - similarly delightful and interested kids. It's been fun sharing some of our highlights with children in different places. Hopefully it will spark a curiosity about their home country.
Mount Isa's Lake Moondarra was one of our local excursions

Mount Isa's Lake Moondarra was one of our local excursions

Posted by kecasumi 20:05 Archived in Australia Tagged family

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